Thursday, January 07, 2010

El United 'rebelde' pelea por salvarse en Séptima

Source: (Spain)

[]A supporter has provided a translation of this article, you will find it below the original text. Google's automatic translation can be found below that again.[/]

Creado por contrarios a los dueños foráneos de los 'red'

Guillem Balagué | 06/01/2010

Cómo le va al grupo de aficionados del Manchester United que decidió abandonar al club de su vida para fundar otro, el FC United of Manchester, como medida de protesta ante los distantes dueños americanos? Ocurrió en 2005 y desde entonces el nuevo club no sólo tiene plantilla, sino también cuerpo filosofal. No se trató de una pataleta contra los propietarios que compraron el Manchester endeudándolo, sino también un reproche "por el robo de una institución, el sustrato sin permiso de la gente de Manchester", como dice el portavoz, Julian Spencer. Tienen lema ("Nuestro club, nuestras normas") y apodo: no más Diablos Rojos, sino Rebeldes Rojos.

Los fundadores de FC United catalizaron la frustración entre los seguidores británicos con los cambios provocados por la llegada del dinero de la televisión y la conversión de estadios en lugares "sin alma llenos de nuevos aficionados que sólo quieren sentarse en el teatro en lugar de participar, con excesivos controles policiales, pérdida de libertades civiles y precios exorbitados de las entradas", clama Spencer.

El club, democrático y con propiedad de sus socios, en una decisión inspirada en el modelo del Barcelona, juega con las famosas camisetas rojas, pantalones blancos y calcetines negros del Manchester e inició su andadura en la liga amateur, diez niveles por debajo de la Premier. Durante su primera temporada (2005-06), tuvieron una asistencia media superior a siete clubes de las primeras cuatro categorías, incluyendo al Bury, con quien comparten su campo (el récord de asistencia fue 6.023 aficionados en un partido contra Great Harwood City en 2006).

Hoy están decimoséptimos en la Unibodn Liga Premier, en la séptima categoría del fútbol inglés, pero tienen peñas en Francia, Polonia, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Estados Unidos y Canadá, además de un total de 1.940 socios. Peligra su permanencia y casi todo depende de los goles de Carlos Roca, un ex del Oldham. Aunque sus jugadores no son profesionales, uno de ellos es internacional: Quistin, de Guadalupe. Pese a las dificultades deportivas, el objetivo es crear su propio estadio en el centro de Manchester a partir de 2012. Y, ¿quién apostaría contra ello?

Spanish speaking supporter's translation:
How are the group of Manchester United fans doing who decided to leave the club they supported all their lives and establish another, FC United of Manchester, as a means of protesting against its distant American owners?

That happened in 2005 and since then the new club not only has a team, but also a philosophy. It wasn't just a tantrum against the owners who bought the indebted Manchester United, but also an expression against "the theft of an institution without the permission of the people of Manchester" according to spokesman Julian Spencer. They have a motto (Our club, our rules) and a nickname: no more red devils, only red rebels.

The founders of FC United encapsulated the frustration of British fans with the changes that have happened with the arrival of television money and the conversion of stadiums to places "without soul, full of new supporters who only want to sit in a theatre instead of taking part, with excessive policing, loss of freedom and exhorbitant prices" claims Spencer.

The club, democratic and member owned, in a decision inspired by the model of Barcelona, plays in the famous red shirts, white shorts and black socks of Manchester United and began its journey in the amatuer leagues, 10 levels below the Premier League. In its first season (2005-6) they had a better average attendance than seven clubs in the first four divisions, including Bury whose ground they share (the record attendance is 6,023 in a game agasint Great Harwood City (sic) in 2006).

Today they are 17th in the Unibond Premier League, in the seventh level of English football, but have supporters clubs in France, Poland, Norway, New Zealand, United States and Canada. They are in danger of relegation and dependant on the goals of Carlos Roca, formerly of Oldham. Although their players are not professionals one of them is an international, Quistin, of Guadeloupe. Despite the problems on the pitch, the objective is for them to build their own stadium in the centre of Manchester from 2012. Who would bet against them?

Google's automatic translation:
The United 'rebel' fight to save himself in Seventh

Created by anti-foreign owners of the 'red'

How goes the group of Manchester United fans who decided to leave the club of his life to found another, FC United of Manchester in protest at the distant American owners? It happened in 2005 and since then the new club has not only staff but also philosopher's body. It was not a tantrum against the owners who bought Manchester United in debt, but also blame "for the theft of an institution, the substrate without permission of the people of Manchester", says the spokesman, Julian Spencer. They slogan ( "Our club, our rules") and nickname: Red Devils no longer, but Rebel Reds.

The founders of FC United catalyzed the British fans' frustration with the changes brought about by the arrival of television money and the conversion of stadiums in places "without a soul full of new fans who just want to sit in the theater instead of participating, with excessive police checkpoints, loss of civil liberties and popping price of tickets, "claims Spencer.

The club, democratic and owned by their members, a decision inspired by the model of Barcelona, playing with the famous red shirts, white shorts and black socks Manchester and began work in the amateur league, ten levels below the Premier. During his first season (2005-06) had an average attendance exceeding seven clubs in the first four categories, including Bury, with whom they share their field (the record for attendance was 6023 fans at a game against Great Harwood City in 2006 ).

Today is seventeenth in the Premiership Unibodn in the seventh category of English football, but they have rocks in France, Poland, Norway, New Zealand, USA and Canada, plus a total of 1,940 members. Endanger its permanence and almost everything depends on the goals from Carlos Roca, a former of Oldham. Although players are not professionals, one of them is international: Quistin, Guadeloupe. Despite the difficulties sports, the goal is to create your own stadium in downtown Manchester from 2012. And who would bet against it?