As the photographers usually providing pictures are still out in Germany - or over the hills somewhere - we'll post some links on here for now; a poster, five image galleries, a blog updated live from Germany and a short (1 minute) video. Enjoy.
This is the poster Lok made for the game.
Image galleries. Click the picture to open the gallery in a new window, click the link to the right to open in this window Leipziger Volkszeitung (80 pictures) (38 pictures) - [Fans' site] - from the fans' game on Saturday. A few ringers from our first team and pints pre-match and at half time
Match-day blog. Click the picture to open the blog in a new window, click the link to the right to open in this window - our captain after the night before
Video The Lok players perform their post-match ritual called the 'Uffta' (!)
This post only took 2 hours and 9 minutes to compile.